Our Story


We’re just two girls who love pickles, hot sauce and dogs!

The COVID-19 pandemic affected everyone a bit differently. For us, it meant losing our jobs in the food service industry. In the midst of a global pandemic with a lot of uncertainties ahead, we were presented with the opportunity to open our own restaurant. And when opportunity knocks, you grab the bull by the horns! (or something…)

Marisa & Miranda, owners

So we took our passion for fresh food, our love for the local community, and the few dollars we had saved up and opened Bloom Bistro. At Bloom Bistro, we not only served original breakfasts, lunches, and beverages made from locally sourced ingredients but also housemade pickles, hot sauce and fresh baked breads & pastries. Although the restaurant was well loved by the local community, we were unable to survive as the pandemic raged on and even got worse in the Seattle area. Not only were our beloved customers sad to see us go, they were concerned about how they would be able to acquire the pickles and hot sauce they had become so infatuated with! We promised them we would not leave them high and dry and alas, Electric Habitat Brines & Sauces came to fruition!

Our goal with Electric Habitat is to bring you the same quality and passion you expect from a restaurant right into your home! We continue to keep our products locally sourced from the ingredients, to the jars & labels, to our commissary kitchen that is just 3 minutes away from our Seattle home. We are so excited to continue sharing our passion with our local community and beyond!


Dina, Banana Split, & Peggy wanted to say hi!